Monday, December 30, 2019

The Link Between Idiocracy And Rituals Essay - 913 Words

Idiocracy revolves around a man named Joe Bauers, definition of an â€Å"Ordinary American† who works as U.S Army librarian; he is selected by the force for a top secret human hibernation experiment. The examination is overlooked when the officer in control is captured for having begun his own prostitution ring under Upgrayedd s guidance. As he wakes up 500 years in future he finds the society so staggeringly stupefied that he s effortlessly the most intelligent individual alive. For this particular text we will discuss the link between Idiocracy and Rituals. In order to understand the link between Idiocracy and rituals we must consider theories of John Beattie (instrumental and expressive actions), Carl Jung (theory of the ‘archetype’), Emile Durkheim (rituals and society), and lastly Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytical theory. In Idiocracy, we see the message that the director is attempting to depict through the main character jon Bauers, to not be so immers ed in the innovation that we stop to think and get so dumb. The first theory that will bring us closer to understanding how the movie ‘Idiocracy’ portrays ritual we must take a look at John Beattie’s theory on instrumental and expressive actions. Beattie’s theory states Instrumental activities can have an expressive component, and numerous expressive activities can likewise be done instrumentally. Like in the case he gave in the content driving a car is an expressive action, yet in the event that the car is enormous and

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Character Analysis Of Eowyn - 1569 Words

Eowyn is a 24-year-old woman in J.R.R. Tolkien s Trilogy The Lord of the Rings, found in the second and third book, The Two Towers (1956) and The Return of the King (1966). In the trilogy, the major conflict is between countries and individuals of Middle Earth as they fight to keep the mysterious dark sorcerer Sauron from taking over Middle Earth. . Eowyn is the niece of Thà ©oden the King of Rohan, a country of noble and warrior-class people. Her parents died when she was a young child, leaving her and her brother Eomer in the care of their uncle, with whom they developed a close relationship Eowyn is a courageous and loyal woman. She cared for her uncle for years during a time of his mental and physical deterioration (Tolkien, 1956).†¦show more content†¦However, Faramir, also a warrior of Gondor, not to reject the value of kindness, gently wooed her. The two fall in love and are set to be wed (Tolkien, 1966). As a client, Eowyn would be resistant to therapy for personal and social reasons. When her uncle was ill, the royal court was under the influence of his repressive advisor, who sought to silence opposition or free thought. Eowyn lived for years out of a sense of duty without warmth or affection from her sick uncle. Secondly, she is a member of the royal family during a recent period of war. She also comes from a people who value duty and bravery, particularly in battle, and may fear exposure as weak due to her high political status. Building rapport will Eowyn will be particularly difficult because she will not want to be in a vulnerable position as the client, and she may also perceive a stigma to asking for help. The key to building rapport will be found in respect of the client, respecting client autonomy, and the use of the client s relationships. The strict use of confidentiality will be especially important for client comfort due to her political and social statues. Presenting Problems Personal functioning Eowyn has experience many stressful events in her life from which may have triggered mental health disorders. Initially, Eowyn lost her parents at a young age. She again suffered from loss when her uncle, her primary caregiver,Show MoreRelatedA Summary Of Galadriel And Eowyn1539 Words   |  7 PagesGaladriel and Eowyn are two of the strongest and most notable women in Middle-Earth; however, they are being misrepresented throughout the text. There are many other notable women in The Lord of the Rings, such as Goldberry, Arwen, and Shelob, but their presence is not very consistent throughout the novel. Galadriel and Ewoyn both exhibit typically masculine qualities; however, these positive attributes are only mentioned when accompanied by sexualized accounts of their beauty. Galadriel is bothRead MoreThe Lady Of The Rings1547 Words   |  7 PagesEnglish CCA The Lady of the Rings Thesis: While some claim that due to the stereotypical roles and lack of female characters in Tolkien’s works makes him sexist, the female characters in The lord of the Rings are far more important and powerful than many make them out to be. The Lord of the Rings is arguably J.R.R. Tolkien’s best and is unquestionably his largest work with mind blowing amounts of details and background texts created to take his world of Middle Earth and make it the definitiveRead MoreEssay on Tolkien: A Racist, Sexist, or Not?1665 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Rings Trilogy’s depictions of evil characters, often classifying J.R.R Tolkien as being a racist and a sexist or defending J.R.R. Tolkien by stating that his character descriptions were merely used to advance the plot and add an exotic atmosphere to the trilogy; however, after evaluating this assertion it is clear that J.R.R. Tolkien is not a racist and a sexist and is simply a unique fantasy writer because these comments are inconsistent with his characters, as shown through his writing style,

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Natural Force Of Tides Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays

The term Tide is defined as the rise and autumn of H2O degree in oceans and seas as a consequence of the natural force of gravity between the Earth, Sun, and Moon, in add-on to the rotary motion of Earth on itself. Tides have been known to ancients a long clip ago, nevertheless the scientific apprehension of this capable affair was non until three centuries ago, when Newton presented his book â€Å" Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy † or as frequently named, the Principia. In this book, Newton described the Universal gravity, which shaped the scientific position and account for the natural admiration of Tides. We will write a custom essay sample on The Natural Force Of Tides Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Importance Learning about the natural force of tides and tide anticipations is a necessity for any seaman. Tides can be either utile or insidious, all depending on how the seaman trades with it. A high tide, for illustration, can be utile because it raises the ship a little more above H2O giving the ship a better clearance distance between the bottom surface of the ship and the sea land. In contrast, a high tide can be unsafe on ships, because it can force ships to the shores instantly if non moored in a clear infinite. Similarly, a low tide may be unsafe, because it pulls the H2O off from the shore doing the ship to hit the land doing amendss to the ship. The rise and autumn of H2O degree, and currents caused by tides may either assist the ships motion and patterned advance or detain it, may take ships into dangers and hazards or off from them. In order to hold a safe and a successful journey, the sailing master in any sailing ship must hold a clear apprehension of tides, in add-on to doing usage of tide anticipations available in published tide informations tabular arraies from all ports around the universe. Earth, Moon, and Sun System As mentioned antecedently, tides are the consequence of two factors, the gravitative force of the Sun and Moon towards Earth, in add-on to the Earth`s rotary motion around its axis. Obviously, all planets, including Earth, in our solar system depend on the gravitative force and rotary motion around the Sun to be balanced and organize a common system of several planets. The gravitative force of the Moon and the Sun plays a bigger function in the creative activity of tides on Earth. As the Moon rotates around the Earth, it exerts a pull force towards the earth`s surface. The Sun on the other side exerts another pull force on Earth to the Sun, see figure 1. The Moon, nevertheless, have the bigger influence than the Sun because of the shorter distance it has to earth, even though the sun`s gravitation towards Earth is 179 times stronger than the Moon. The short distance between the Moon and Earth makes it responsible for 56 % of the force impact on Earth and 44 % will be from the Sun, an d this explains why the tides are specifically linked to the Moon behaviour. tide-tables-a-2.jpg Figure 1: The Moon and the Sun exerts gravitative Pull forces towards the Earth, doing the creative activity of tides. ( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // ) As the Moon rotates around the Earth it creates a bump of H2O on the earth`s surface traveling parallel to the Moon, ensuing in the formation of tides. An tantamount bump is besides formed on the other side of the planet antonym to the Moon. The tantamount bump on the opposite side of the planet is caused by Earth being pulled off from its H2O, in the opposite side, traveling towards the Moon. Another name for the cause of the opposite bump is the centrifugal force of the Earth ‘s rotary motion. By and large talking, the pull force of the Moon and the Sun influences the whole planet Earth including the land country and H2O country. The big volume of H2O on Earth ( 71 % ) moving compressible as a fluid, nevertheless, makes it more noticeable and extraordinary. The day-to-day rotary motion of the Earth around itself and the Moon go arounding around the Earth, all reflects the tidal rhythm. The Moon revolves around the Earth one time in what is called a lunar month. The lunar month represents the clip between the happening of a new Moon and the consecutive 1. The continuance of the lunar month is calculated about to be 29days 12hours and 44minutes. Having the Moon go arounding around the Earth one time every lunar month and the Earth revolving in the same way daily on its axis, the whole planet will necessitate more than 24 hours to catch up with the proceeding Moon. Earth needs 24 hours plus about 52 proceedingss to finish a tidal rhythm. This Moon based twenty-four hours is called the tidal twenty-four hours and it consequences in the changing of the tides` timing of each twenty-four hours by adding about 52 proceedingss. In theory, this tidal rhythm consequences in two high tides and two low tides in all of the Earth. The two opposite bumps of H2O on Earth, explained before, represent the high tide which follows the motion of the Moon straight. The other two parts of Earth, between the two bumps, represent the low tide. Tides are classified into diurnal, semi-diurnal, and assorted tides in conformity to the highs and figure of high and low tides each tidal twenty-four hours. A Diurnal tide is when a certain location on Earth experiences one high tide and one low surge a twenty-four hours. Diurnal tide happens in locations of high latitudes when the H2O bumps formed by the Moon drawing are north or South of the equator, see figure 2. A Semi-diurnal tide is the most common in the bulk of topographic points on Earth, and it is when a certain location on earth experience two high tides and two low tides a twenty-four hours. Semi-diurnal tide happens when the Moon is straight above the equator. While the semidiurnal tides assures two equal high tides and two equal low tides for locations near the equat or, locations north and South of the equator experience two but unequal high tides and two unequal low tides called a Mixed tide. diurnal. ( 1 ) .gif Figure 2: Diurnal tides take a period of 24 hours and 50 proceedingss. Semidiurnal Tides period is 12 hours and 25 proceedingss. The country in between experience Mixed tides, where two but unequal high and low tides takes topographic point. ( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Annual Tidal Behavior The Moon revolves around the Earth in an elliptic way, which makes it closer to earth at times and farther off at other times. The clip in which the Moon is at its nearest distance with Earth is called Lunar Perigee. The closest distance the Moon can come to with regard to Earth is 356,400 kilometers, which is less than the average distance between the Earth and the Moon by 8 per centum. As mentioned before, Newton in his book â€Å" Principia † described his theory of the gravitative existence, where he besides developed a expression to cipher the gravitative force between two organic structures. The Newton jurisprudence of gravitation proves that gravitative forces between different organic structures addition as the distance between the two organic structures lessening. As a consequence, the 8 per centum lessening in the distance between the Moon and the Earth increases the gravitative force of the Moon by 25 per centum, impacting the Earth and increasing the ability of the Moon to bring forth tides. Actually, when the Moon is at its nearest distance with Earth and standing in a line between the Earth and the Sun, unusual increased high spring high tides are produced. Besides named Proxigean Spring Tide, the high spring high tides occur non more than one time every one and a half twelvemonth. In add-on, if the lunar perigee occurs at full Moon ( Earth between Sun and Moon ) , unusual low Neap tides besides takes topographic point. The gravitative force developed because of the Earth and Moon interaction, and its impact on the big organic structures of H2O in Earth develops an hyperbole event called â€Å" evection † . This event takes topographic point when the Moon is at its nearest distance with Earth and stands between the Sun and the Earth in a consecutive line ; Proxigean Spring Tide. When other factors of high storm, or complex natural occasions takes topographic point at times of proxigee, Deluging with large amendss and extraordinary tides hit certain seashores. The last Extreme proxigean spring tide taking topographic point was in March 7, 1995. Extreme proxigean Spring Tides have been recorded for the past 400, and is said to happen one time every 31 old ages. Tidal Range The difference between the high tide and the subsequent low tide, vertically, is called the tidal scope. The tidal scope calculates the difference in the H2O degree or highs between the high tide and low tide. As have been mentioned before, the gravitative force of the Moon and the Sun on Earth is the major cause of tides. It is besides discovered that the altering stages of the Moon has a major impact on the highs ‘ alteration in Tides in different seashores and locations around the universe. Around the clip of the new Moon or full Moon, the maximal tidal scope takes topographic point ; tides are highly high or really low. This happens because the gravitative force of both the Moon and the Sun is aligned in the same way toward the Earth ( new Moon ) , or aligned in opposite waies, holding the Earth precisely between the two forces ( full Moon ) . During these two stages of the Moon, tides are called Spring tides, see figure 3 ( a ) . On the other manus, During the first and la st quarters of the moon`s stages, tidal scope tends to be smaller. This happens because the place of the Sun and the Moon is at a right angle to the Earth. The gravitative force of the Sun and the Moon acts weaker to the earth`s H2O because it comes from two different waies. During these two stages of the Moon, tides are called Neap tides, see figure 3 ( B ) . In each twelvemonth there are two yearss when the length of the twenty-four hours and dark are equal, called Equinox. The maximal tidal scope to expect yearly is said to be during the clip of equinox when combined together with a clip of spring tide. tidal_cycle.jpg Figure 3: ( a ) Spring tides occur in new Moons and full Moon. ( B ) Neap tides occur between new Moons and full Moon. ( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // ) It is partly true that the tidal scope additions as farther the location is from the equator. However it is non the lone factor of increasing tidal scope. Hundreds of seashores in the farthest North or South of the equator tend to hold smaller tidal ranges than 1s near the equator. Several Stationss on the Korean seashore, for illustration, have a tidal scope above 20 pess. On the other manus, some Stationss on the Bering Sea near Alaska have the tidal scope of 5 to 7 pess. The addition or lessening in tidal scope in any seashore depends on many physical factors of the location itself. The characteristic of the land where the seashore is located is an of import factor impacting the tidal scope, in add-on to the form of the shore. Another factor playing an of import function on the addition or lessening of the tidal scope is the deepness of H2O in the location. Likewise, the size of the ocean basin where the tide happens is a major factor for the alteration in tidal scope between diff erent locations. Large countries of H2O, like oceans, are capable to a more country of influence by the Moon gravitation than smaller countries like seas, bays, or gulfs. Tidal Range is classified into three sorts based on the measuring of highs. First, Macromareal, named for tidal scope higher than 4 meters. Second, Mesomareal, named for tidal scope between 2 to 4 meters. Third, Micromareal, named for tidal scope less than 2 meters. Extreme conditions conditions of strong air currents in a steady way with a long clip continuity, combined with low force per unit area can act upon the tidal scope progressively, particularly in narrow bays, and gives false measurings. Tsunamis and deluging comes from the oceans and sea, nevertheless, are particular instances of risky conditions that is non included in the measurings of tidal scope. Tide informations of different Stationss in states with H2O seashores normally contain tabular arraies of day-to-day measurings recorded or even day-to-day and one-year anticipations of Stationss in this state. The National Hydrographic service of the state publishes these informations tabular arraies and is available to order if needed. Highest tidal scope In the east seashore of North America, specifically, Nova Scotia in Canada one of the world`s greatest admirations takes topographic point. The Bay of Fundy in Canada has the world`s highest tidal scope. An sum of 100 billion tones of H2O is filled and emptied from this bay twice every twenty-four hours. Towards the caput of the bay, in the Minas Basin, tidal scope reaches more than 16 meters. The highest tidal scope recorded in this bay was at Burntcoat Head. The highest tidal scope at Burntcoat Head was measured at 16.65 meters. This information measuring is of import for the design of the tidal trial armored combat vehicle. Supplying the design of the tide trial armored combat vehicle with the maximal tidal scope informations recorded on Earth and the application of these measurings on the ship theoretical accounts give the companies a opportunity to develop their ships in order to be successfully used anyplace in the universe without worrying about tides and H2O degrees. Tidal currents Tidal current is another term related to tides and has a great importance in ship seafaring and marine pilotage. If tides are the perpendicular rise and autumn of H2O degree, so a simple definition for the tidal current will be, the horizontal flow of H2O attach toing a normal tide on coastal countries. Tidal currents can be found in any H2O organic structure, including oceans, seas, gulfs, bays, and rivers. Tidal currents have been recorded at upper limit degrees in locations along seashores of ocean basins. Tidal currents move more straight towards and exterior closed countries like estuaries, seaports, or rivers. Together with tides, tidal currents move in a certain way with the high tide and in the opposite way with the low tide. When a tide takes topographic point on a certain location, the H2O degree rises over clip covering the bay doing what is called Flood tide. Consequently, the H2O rises until it reaches its highest degree ; high tide. Directly after the H2O reaches its highest degree, it stops, at the seashore in what is called loose H2O. Afterward, the H2O degree starts to fall over clip, doing what is called ebb tide. Consequently, the H2O degree falls until it reaches its lowest degree ; low tide. The low tide stays for a period of clip in once more what is called loose H2O. This sequence is somewhat different when speaking about rivers. Rivers H2O flow from the river to the sea, which evidently lowers the power of the inundation tide. However, during the ebb tide, H2O flux ing from the river to the sea is strongly supported by the wane flow doing more powerful tidal currents. Ebb flow largely prevents smaller boats from making the seashore, See figure 4. tidal current.png Figure 4: Tidal Currents develop ebb tides and inundation tides in closed H2O countries. ( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Sailors and Mariness typically take attending for the measure and clip of the tide. Tides, particularly low, prevent entry to seashores of shallow H2O. Another concern for crewmans and Mariness, sing tidal currents, are the velocity, clip, and way of the tidal current. As a consequence, crewmans need elaborate information of tides and tidal currents behaviour in order to be after the ship ‘s place, velocity, and sailing itinerary. River Medway The river Medway is located in southeasterly England, most of it is in the county of Kent, see figure 5. The river flows precisely from Turners Hill in west Sussex, traveling through Tonbridge to Maidstone and the coastal towns of Medway into the river Thames at Sheerness before stoping at the Thames estuary. The River Medway flux a distance of 70 stat mis through the Land country until it ends at the eastern sea seashore of Kent. In the late sixteenth century, the river became a Ship Defense centre for the Royal Navy, where ships were built and navy arms was transferred through the river. However, river Medway has ever been a hard waterway to voyage through and bigger ships ever struggled to go through over. Ships had to restrict their seafaring above the river medway to certain tidal state of affairss, doing usage of high tides and taking cautiousnesss from low tides, hence sailing between half inundation and half ebb tides. The Chatham Dockyard, standing further up the river, near the centre of the town, was found in 1547 as a ship building and fix topographic point. The Chatham Dockyard played an of import function in most of the wars fought between England and other European states. Many celebrated ships and navy battlewagons were built in Chatham Dockyard, including the first Fe battlewagon in 1863. river medway.jpg Figure 5: River Medway gathers and flows at Tonbridge, Kent. River Medway ends at the eastern sea seashore of Kent. ( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Before the twelvemonth 1746, ships coming from Sea could non go through the river after Maidstone, until at that twelvemonth many betterments were made to the river lease flatboats with heavy tonss traversing over the river stretch every bit far as Tonbridge. The river was farther improved by clip. Eleven Locks on the river take topographic point, assisting in the crossing of the river. Lock aid raise and take down the boats in certain countries of the river to assist in the crossing over. The locks in Allington and other topographic points along the river give ships a bill of exchange, or minimal distance between the ships` organic structure and the river floor, of 4 pess. Tidal River Medway The River Medway is divided into two parts, tidal and non tidal River Medway. Non tidal River medway is from the get downing point at Tonbridge and coatings at Allington. After Allington towards the medway estuary near Sheerness, the river is tidal. All the seafaring and pilotage through the river between sheerness and Allington is dependent on tides motion. At low tides the river Medway may dry out at locations near Allington lock. High tides are non a large of danger to ships in the River Medway as Low tides in certain locations are. River Medway at Chatham Chatham experience semidiurnal tides or assorted tides during the twelvemonth. Meaning, Tides occur in two high tides and two low tides in chatham, but are sometimes are unequal. In a study by Drewry Shipping Consultants Limited in July 2007 prepared for the Medway Council and Marine South east, the undermentioned statement describes the different tidal scope of Medway River. How to cite The Natural Force Of Tides Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Terrorism Counter Strategy In India

Question : Can use the Mumbai terrorist attack as an example here but make sure you look at Indias counter-terrorism strategy rather than ways to improve how they handled specific attacks. focus on the broad national counter-terrorism policy rather than the security forces counter-terrorism practices. Answer : Introduction This paper described the several aspect of counter terrorism strategy in India. The main aim of this paper is to evolution and strategies of counterterrorism strategies in India. Indeed, counterterrorism is the technique, tactic and strategy which prevent from terrorism. In the other words, the terrorism is called a war or revolution, then counterterrorism trends to be described in the term of military responses. On the other hand, terrorism means crime. Then, counterterrorism defined in the term of police and law enforcement work. Counter terrorism is called as against the terrorism activity which contains acquire, prevent and react to the unlawful terrorism exercise. (Sheehan 2007) Further, the first counterterrorism campaign was created by William Harcourt in 1880 for helps of Irish fenians. Irish branch was established as field of criminal investigation department of the London Metropolitan Police in the year of 1883 to conflict Irish republican terrorism by penetration and subve rsion, but in the India counterterrorism strategy emerged after the 2008 Mumbai attack and attack on the Indian Parliament in 2001 when several intelligence and operational failures revealed against the terrorism. Mohammad Ajmal Kasab was main accused of Mumbai attack. (Borgeson Valeri 2009) The National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC) was created as anti-terror agency in the India on the basis of National Counterterrorism Center model of the USA. (Kraft Marks 2013) Existing terrorism groups in India There are several kinds of terrorism and insurgent group operating in India which is recognized by Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) of the US state that are following below: Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT): Lashkar-e-Taiba names mean Army of the Pure. This Islamist groups are operating in Pakistan and also from Jammu and Kashmir. This group is accused for many high terrorist attacks in India, including Mumbai commuter rail in the year of 2006. It is getting funds from Pakistan for run their terrorist and criminal activities. (Tankel 2009) Nowadays, it is expanding in the worldwide. Jaish-e-Muhammad: Jaish-e-Muhammad group name means Army of Mohammad. This is another terrorist groups which operating in Jammu and Kashmir. This was founded by Harkat-ul-Ansar in 2000. The main aim of this group is to transfer Jammu and Kashmir area control to Pakistan. (Rana 2009) Harakat-ul-Mujahadeen (HuM): This terrorism group was established in the 1985 as anti-Soviet team conflicting in the Afghanistan. Pakistan based HuM concentration transfer to Jammu and Kashmir when they withdrew from Soviet in the 1989. The Communist Party of India (Maoist): This group is looking to build a revolutionary zone of control expanding from the Nepalese boundary down to Andhra Pradesh state. (Hutt 2004) This group was emerged by the merger of Nexalite groups in 2004. Harakat-ul-Jihad-I-Islami (HUJI): This terrorist group was established in 1980 to fight against Soviet, but currently it has focused on Jammu and Kashmir. Initial stage they are targeted Indian military, but they killed five foreign tourists in Jammu and Kashmir in 1995 which belongs to western country. (Khurshchev 2009) Jamiat ul-Mujahadeen: This is small terrorist group of pro-Pakistan Kashmiri which is blamed for a grenade attacks against India political targets in 2004. The United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA): It was founded in 1979 as socialist state in Assam. In the 1990s, they started to target the political leader and security forces in the Assam state. Through the above terrorist and insurgent groups, the major territory was affected by terrorist activities in the India that are following below: Jammu and Kashmir: This state was central point of terrorist activities when British colonial rule ended from this states. India claims that Pakistan is using this territory for expanding their insurgent through several groups of insurgent and terrorist. One third of the total terrorist attack occurred in this territory. (Kalpan Bajoria 2008) Andhra Pradesh: Many terrorist attacks occurred in this area through Naxalites. Naxalites are revolutionary groups which are affecting around 10000 member lives every year. Naxalites are expanded their area from thirteen states to twenty eight states of the India. (Tickell 2013) The state of Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar, Orrisa and West Bengal are highly affected from Naxalites activities, but Chhattisgarh is mostly affected by the Maoist violence in 2006. Northeastern states: Most of northeastern states are affected by the violence activities after the Bangladesh was separated off in 1947. Conflicts are expanding most of the Assam and Nagaland states in India. Poverty is major problem in this area and many groups are demanding independent so many terrorist and insurgent activities are occurred in these areas. (Kalpan Bajoria 2008) Counterterrorism strategy in India Due to a lot of terrorist and insurgent groups activates in the India such as Jammu and Kashmir, Northeastern state and Andhra Pradesh. India will have to take special decision against terrorist so they are created counterterrorist strategies. Indeed, India population has cross 1 billion in the current years. India has many ethnic groups, seven major religious with many kinds of organized religious and sub organized religious and around 68 socio-culture sub regions. There are constantly increasing social, economic and political desires of groups in its cultural, lingual, social and communal social system. (Marwah 2012) Further, India has become largest victims of terrorism, but nowadays it has handled terrorism smartly in Mizoram, Punjab and other kinds of nation. India adopted comprehensive strategy to counterterrorism. Counterterrorism will be affective when they adopted national consensus strategy to prevent the terrorism. Indias counterterrorism strategy addresses terrorism as a process with economic, operational, political, psychological, perceptual and diplomatic aspect. India believes to encourage a good governance, healthy, well-functioning democracy, secular and liberal mind set which no difference between majority and minority. They treat everyone equal level on the basis of law concern. We need a local level counterterrorism strategy to prevent terrorism in India. (Curtis 2008) The few significant points need to be highlighted that are following below: First, in the regard of ideological level, this conflict is between terrorist groups which dont trust in value of religious tolerance, multi-cultural and democracy. The counterterrorism strategy is followed by several nations with large defeat and denies factors. An ideological and political counterterrorism factor plays an important dominant role which believes that ideologues should be considered in the plan and operational conflict against terrorism. (Singh 2008) Second, we need to adopt the collaborative plans at the highest level. Although, top-down strategy cannot be apply everywhere. (Mitchell 2008) Counterterrorism operational plan must be worked out for specific area. Third, counterterrorism strategy must deal with all aspect of worldwide terrorism. It connects with transnational organized crime, drug, illegal arms trafficking, money laundering, illicit and nuclear, biological, chemical and other deadly materials and their delivery. It should look the organization action and dedication to meet cross-border threats arranged by the terrorist. Forth, terrorism is not an armed forces problem because it is socio-cultural and socio-economic problem. In the regard of counterterrorism strategy, we should combat and isolate the ideology that is not acceptable to present culture or society. We must use all factors of national power, not only armed forces but also economical, political and other types of opinion and pressures. In the concern, we should use hard power as well as soft power because hard power deals with violent armed terrorist and soft power deals with humanely with cultures, traditions and society. Further, the psychological and intellectual aspects of the terrorist and counterterrorism are significant as its physical attribute. Womens empowerment, youth firms, local development initiative and education network must play a significant role with government as a helpful partner. (Singh 2008) These are some more counterterrorist strategies which adopted by India government through several government bodies and agencie s that are following below: State strategies and its intelligence set-up: In the regard of counterterrorist strategies, Indias federal laws have responsibilities to create policing and maintenance of law for individual states. The Indias central government has rights to give advice them about the financial help, training program and develop their professional caliber and share with the intelligence agencies. (Menezes 2003) The national intelligence community: The national intelligence agencies divided into two parts such internal and external agencies. So, ministry of home affairs and intelligence bureau presented the internal agency. And Cabinet secretariats research and analysis wing to protect from terrorist activities of countries people presented the external intelligence agencies. The IB and RAW: The IB consist internal terrorist intelligence and RAW consists the external related intelligence. The DIA collects tactical intelligence in the regard of counterterrorist operation in the specific areas such as Nagaland and Jammu and Kashmir. (Burch 2007) Physical security agencies: The Central Industrial Security Force provides physical security at Indian airport and sensitive areas. The National Security Guards forces provides safety from hijacking the plane activities. Further, Special Protection Group handled prime minister and former prime minister Security which is very necessary in the globalization world. Paramilitary forces: Its play an important role in the counterterrorism strategy. The Border Security Force and Central Reserve Police Force are known as paramilitary forces which help the police in counter-terrorism operation when they called for this specific work. (Amritsar 2010) The Army: Indian government takes army assistance when the paramilitary and the police are not able to protect with a terrorist attacks. Due to large scale of Pakistan infiltration in Jammu and Kashmir, the army plays an important role in this area for counterterrorism operations. India is not only facing terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, but also a proxy war by the Jihadi representative. (Menezes 2003) In the recent years, there have been two extra counterterrorism strategies following by the Indian governments that are discuss below: 1. Multi-disciplinary centre: It is headed by the experienced IB officer. These kinds of agencies handled intelligence collection work and counterterrorist strategy will work under general umbrella. 2. Ministry of external affairs: This ministry will be responsible for diplomatic aspect of counterterrorism such as other nations on mutual legal help, Pakistans patronization of terrorism, servicing the work of several mixes working groups and processing requests for extradition. (Prakash 2008) Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA): In 2002, government approved the Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) to increasing the government power against terrorism. Through this act, India governments have rights to keep suspected people in custody without any trial. This law was looked as death certificate of crime and terrorism activities, but the law was canceled in 2004 due to allegations that some people are mis-using their power. 3. Although, politicians are wanted to repair the law because of this kinds of activities are raised. Due to POTA act, we are able to take more strict decision against the terrorist such as Kasab. It was the main blamed of Mumbai attack. (Lokaneeta 2011) Further, some states of India such as Karnataka and Maharashtra have some different law. The name of the law was Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act (MCOCA) and the Karnataka Control of Organized Crime Act which used to track suspected terrorists. MCOCA is tougher than POTA and it is generally abused by the scrutiny agencies. Other states such as Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Gujrat and Uttar Pradesh are looking same counterterrorism law. Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be concluded that there are no fast solution for counterterrorism because it is a long term process. There are not single military solutions available for terrorist, secessionist and insurgency problem. Counterterrorism in India needs a comprehensive strategy that covers social, psychological, operational, economical, political and diplomatic issues. Because most of terrorist groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba, The Communist Party of India, The United Liberation Front of Assam and Jaish-e-Muhammad members are direct or indirect related to society, culture and political. For example kasab was the main accused of Mumbai attacks which belongs to human society and culture, but due to bad guidance they killed many innocent people. So, terrorist is not exactly our problem rather than reason of terrorism is main problem with us. Therefore, when we got the reason behind the terrorism then we would able to make proper counterterrorism strategies for all aspect o f terrorism. It is necessary for the government of the specific region to cooperate, look informed helps from their people, legitimate, provide responsive, build trusted networks and engage closely with international community. References Amritsar, S, 2010, Effect of physical training on pulmonary function tests in border security force trainees of India, J Life Sci, 2(1), 11-15. 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